He did actually say that; With his waxed upturned mustache and his not so inane love for rhinoceroses, Salvador Dali had finished painting his most famous painting 'The Persistence of Memory' by the wholly ripe age of twenty seven.
I guess we can can forgive him then, for saying Rhenoceros more times than is legally allowed ( and mentioning the beauty in the mounting of two rhenocerosus, if Midnight in Paris it to believed), and basing his surrealistic masterpiece "The Persistence of Memory' on the melting of wholly ripe Camembert in the sun, rather than Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Maybe he was Sir Arthur Eddington's elusive third person to having understood Relativity, as art interpreters have described Dali's works to have incorporated elements of Einstein's theory in them.
But what red ants have to do with death, or what they have in common with Amitabh Bhattacharya's delightful Bhaag DK Bose is left to the reader's imagination.
One cannot deny the brilliance or the imagery of 'The Persistence of Memory'; and thus RV Quiz Corp is proud to present it's Magnum Open Poster for UTPT 2012!
Soft pocket watches representing the non rigid and unfixed notion of time? Or symbolizing how time passes by while in a dream! You had better know the answer to this, while you take part in Magnum Open, what Quiz Interpreters have called a Magnus Magnus Magnus(see: Latin) Open Quiz.
Andy Warhol, while not painting Campbell's Soup cans, came up with an iconic painting- Shot Blue Marilyn.
It has reaffirmed her as the quintessential cultural icon of the 60's, something no amount of barbiturates can erase. So here is our Lieut-en-Ent Poster for 2012, again courtesy of Nikhil Kajaria.
Yes! That does suspiciously look like Michelle Williams!
Every piece of Art, be it a sculpture, painting or photograph has inspiration and a story behind it. And a more often than not addicted artist (several mind altering substances stored in drogues come to mind, not counting rhino horns).
Well, we're artists too. Our Quizzes are our greatest form of expression. UTPT 2012 is our masterpiece. Experience it all live, on March 30th 31st and April 1st!
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