Thursday, February 06, 2014


In the wee hours of the morning of Jan 8th, 40  RV Quiz Corpers armed with brains and baggage, boarded a train to make it to one of the amazing fests known, Saarang, the IIT-M fest. The countdown to it had begun weeks ago and the long wait was finally over.
We managed to get through the long six hour journey with a couple of rounds of hand cricket and some palette-soothing train “soupe”, arriving at Chennai, all hot and sweaty. After some meandering through the IIT-M campus (Mind you, you’d get lost in there!), we reached the hostel and checked in, not knowing we’d soon be sharing accommodation with some monkeys(literally)!
Ah well, never mind ‘em.
Moving on to the fun part-the quizzes!

Quizzes ,initially were the ones based on nature and environment which had some totally amazing facts involved , then there  was the Spent Quiz-a good quiz with interesting   fundae, enough to keep us up all night for the final round of it! We woke up just in time for the Buzzer Quiz, after a power nap around sunrise. And then we had the Lone Wolf quiz/ AkeleBhediya quiz. Prelims during the day and the finals at night, till sunrise, at the open air theatre, with the wolves pouncing on koshans, winding up with an awesome quiz on our motherland, the India Quiz worth being a part of!! Wow, such quizzes so much fun! Really good fundae and awesome quizzers; who buzz out answers even before we finish reading the questions!
We ended our quizzing spree with a concert(during which, some went ballistic) and a round of bowling the next day(sadly, our last day at Chennai), after which we realized we had a train to catch, that we almost missed!

On the whole, the quizzing experience at Saarang was a great one, in terms of the variety and quality of quizzes. To those who didn’t make it, you missed out on an amazing set of quizzes and a memorable trip!
Other than the quizzes, a lot more happened at Saarang as well. Sleepless nights, beach trips, midnight games of Wolf(aka Mafia), cloud-gazing, long meandering walks through the campus, and so on and so forth. It was with all this in our mind that we got off the train at Bangalore, being borderline nostalgic and looking forward to the next Saarang.

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